

In addition to the excellent reviews we receive on Trip Advisor, many guests also leave feedback in our Guest Book.

Here are some more comments received from our guests over the past 12 months.  Further detailed comments can be found in the pages attached.

We love having guests here and it is particularly pleasing to receive such amazing comments.


“At Cuil-an-Duin, the magic of Perthshire has come inside”  Guest book 24

“This truly is the best B&B we’ve stayed in!”  Guest book 25

“Breakfast was spectacular!”  Guest book 26

“Perfection…!”  Guest book 27

“The house is beautiful, the hosts are delightful, attention to detail is amazing…”  Guest book 28

“We started our Honeymoon here…” Guest book 28

“If you’re looking for the metaphorical extra-mile, it is here in Cuil-an-Duin.”  Guest book 29

“Wow!”  – Our shortest review! Guest book 29

“Thanks for your pleasant and kind way of treating us..”  Guest book 30

“A perfect start to our 12 days in Scotland…” Guest book 30

“An idyllic New Year’s getaway..”  Guest book 31

“You try so hard to make this place magical, and it really shows..” Guest book 31